What to Know About Your Septic System

Your septic tank is a major part of keeping your property clean and sanitary. Whenever you flush your toilet or put something down a drain, it all goes through your septic system. As a homeowner, you must ensure your system is well maintained, and you use it wisely. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, an estimated 10-20% of septic systems fail at some point in their operational lifetimes. Here are some things you should know about septic systems.

1. Maintain Trees

Watch out for overgrown trees on your property. While trees add so much to a property, they can also endanger your septic tank. When tree roots grow out of control, they can puncture your septic tank and create a hazardous leakage that’s costly to repair. In other words, regular tree care services are just as important as your septic tank inspections. If a tree is too close to your drain field, you may need to have it removed.

2. Watch What You Flush

Remember what your toilet is there for. Its main purpose is to flush and get rid of your bodily waste. So, using it as a trash can for feminine hygiene products, cigarette butts, paper towels, and more is an easy way to stuff up the toilet and clog your septic tank. Even the type of toilet paper you use matters, as some are more likely to create clogs down the road.

3. Don’t Use Chemicals in Drains

When you end up with a clogged sink, it’s easy to reach for your liquid Drano or other chemicals for a fast solution. However, using chemicals is bad for pipes, septic tanks, and the environment. It’s best to call a plumber to use a snake for deeply clogged drains. You can also use boiling water and baking soda. When you use chemicals down your drains, they can seep out from your septic systems and affect your groundwater.

4. Conserve Water

Your septic system receives all the water you put down the drain, not just the water you flush. Whether you’re using the washing machine, showering, flushing the toilet, or putting something down a kitchen drain, it will end up in your septic tank. The less water you use, the less work you’re putting on your tank. Installing energy-efficient appliances such as dual flush toilets or Energy Star washing machines can greatly conserve water and give your septic system a break.

You’ll do a great service to your property and the environment when you understand how drains, pipes, and plumbing affect your septic systems. For any questions regarding septic upkeep, call Sonlight Services LLC today for more information. We’d be happy to help!